This is a big year for politics.  Yeah, I didn't expect that would be news to anyone this year, but it made for a good way to motivate people for this next call to action:  VOTE! 

It is important every year, and for every special election that comes up.  This year it is especially important because we are electing a new president at a very crucial time for our country and a new mayor to take charge of Richmond.  Despite your particular slant on politics, or mine for that matter, participation is key.

From the website of the Virginia State Board of Elections:

How do I find out if I'm registered to vote in Virginia?
   If you have questions about your voter registration status, contact your local county or city general registrar.  If you believe that you are registered to vote in Virginia, you can verify your voter registration status on-line from our website. 

 Where Do I go to vote?
   To determine your polling place location, contact your local county or city general registrar's office.  You may also get information about your polling place by using our on-line Where Do I Vote application.

 How do I register to vote in Virginia?
   Registering to vote in Virginia is easy and convenient.  To register to vote in Virginia, you must fill out and submit a voter registration application.   If it is determined that you qualify to vote, your local county/city general registrars will add you to the county/city voter registration database.  For more information about becoming a registered voter contact your local county or city general registrar.

On that last point, the voter registration deadline for the upcoming election on November 4, 2008, is this upcoming Monday, October 6.  Per the VSBE website, "Applications must be in the voter registration office or posted marked by that date."  Being this close to the deadline, I would suggest that you register either online or in person.

The second part is equally as crucial — when November 4th comes, get to your local polling place and vote!