Fear is a strong motivator, but so is hope. They’re especially strong when they come together. It’s a special moment when we’ve made it through an especially bad economic downturn and your business starts to tick upwards for the first time.
Commercial landlords have been through that hard time right along with every other business owner, and they are ready to see that uptick themselves. They are ready to deal to get in good steady tenants. At the same time, businesses are seeing new contracts come in (I know we have!) and they are ready to start taking advantage of the deals on leases — are you?

I’m certainly not the first to point this out, and I’m taking my cue from a recent online article on National Real Estate Investor — “Office Tenants and Landlords Battle for Upper Hand”
Landlord concession packages are not likely to get any bigger… “They’re as good as they’re going to get.” The same may be true with rents, he adds. “Rents may fall in some markets a bit further, but the ship starts to turn before a lot of people know they’re on it.”
Robert Bach, senior vice president and chief economist at Grubb & Ellis, agrees. “More tenants are active now and willing to sign a long-term lease because they are more confident in their own outlook and realize now is a good time because of the concessions available.”
They’re talking about office leases in the article, but it makes just as much sense with retail and restaurant spaces, too.
Of course you never know when the economy has hit bottom until it’s too late to take advantage of the best deals. The great part is that as long as you’re not making decisions out of fear, you can keep your eye on your own business and use cues from your business activity help you decide when is the best time to move.
So if you’re seeing cues that things are getting better in your business, perhaps it’s time we talk about finding a good deal now…?