The City of Danville, Virginia, has endured more than its fair share of economic woes. There was a series of plant closings between 2003 and 2006 that resulted in loss of a few thousand jobs.
In the meantime, international companies have been targeting Virginia for their North American expansion plans. IKEA is one of those companies. IKEA-supplier and -subsidiary, Swedwood North America, is IKEA’s first manufacturing plant in the United States. The announcement of their planned plant in Danville came in October 2006, and already 125 of the expected 740 employees are in place.
Now, another IKEA-supplier is planning to locate a new plant just a few blocks away in Danville. Governor Tim Kaine announced Thursday that Polish company Com.40 will be bringing 813 jobs to the area. (see the entire press release here) The RTD reports that production on the plant is scheduled to begin at the end of this year.